Welcome to the Ribble Link Trust.
The only Canal built for Leisure purposes
Canal and River Trust on 0303 040 4040

Riversway Control Tower V.H.F. Contact on Channel 16
Working on Channel 14 Telephone
01772 726711

Preston Marina
V.H.F. Contact on Channels 80 and 37
01772 733595

Boat Yards.
Douglas Marine Limited, Douglas Boatyard, Becconsall
Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston PR4 6RR  Tel:
01772 812462
Email douglasboatyard@ymail.com
Tarleton Boat Yard.
Moorings, Boat Building and repairs.

Canal Bank, Tarleton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6HD

Telephone:  01772 812250

Mobile: 07885 762347

email: enquiries@tarletonboatyard.com

Contact the Ribble Link Chairman. cliff@landornkennels.co.uk

Contact the Ribble Link Web Master, rob@ribblelink.co.uk